做得更多 - 更輕鬆、更快速

LibreOffice 是強大的辦公套裝軟體,有清晰的介面、強大的工具,讓您發揮創意也提昇產力。
LibreOffice 內含許多應用程式,使其成為當今市場上最強大的自由又開源之辦公套裝軟體

現已推出:LibreOffice 24.8

側邊欄中的「快速尋找」 • 新試算表函式 • 更棒的 Impress



LibreOffice 是自由與開源軟體世界中,最友善且發展最快的專案之一。



LibreOffice 不只是軟體。它更是人群、文化、創造、分享、與合作。


LibreOffice 是自由且開源的軟體。開放式開發,歡迎有興趣的人參與也歡迎提供新點子。我們的軟體每日皆有廣大且熱誠的使用者社群測試與使用。

LibreOffice QA Team: Fixing a bug in three days

LibreOffice is used by 200 million people around the world. Every major release goes through extensive testing, with Alpha, Beta and Release Candidate versions – and there are regular monthly minor updates to fix issues too. The QA Team analyses bug reports from users, and here’s an example of how quickly they work when everything […]

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400 million downloads, and counting…

The histogram says it all. First, rapid growth between 2011 and 2014 to 30 million downloads, despite the fierce hostility of the project created to kill LibreOffice. Then a few years of stagnation, at a time when it seemed that desktop office suites were destined to die, and fashion was driving users to the cloud. […]

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2025-02-03 Sunday

Breakfast, to the venue with some friends; pottered around talking to people, spoke briefly in the Government dev-room to lots of friendly faces. Lunch, got chatting in the queue for chips to several interesting people; back to the booth - before heading back and out to Kasbah in the evening - for a mercifully belly-dancing-free meal. Back to chat to Caolan & his lovely daughter - it was bring-a-family-member-to-work weekend, catch up until late.

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Calc, Impress, Draw 24.2 guides published

Print editions of several LibreOffice 24.2 user guides were published in 2024. You can buy them from Lulu.com. Free PDFs, as always, are available from the LibreOffice website. Calc (May 2024) Impress (July 2024) Draw (August 2024) Writer (March 2024)

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